Amorphophallus Identified species

Photos of other species can be viewed on the Amorphophallus page of the I.A.S.

Amorphophallus aberrans Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus abyssinicus (Rich.) N.E. Br. (West to East Africa)

Amorphophallus albispathus Hett. (Thailand)

Amorphophallus albus Liu & Wei (China)

Amorphophallus allenii A. Galloway, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel (W. Thailand)

Amorphophallus amygdaloides Hett. & M. Sizemore (C. Thailand) 

Amorphophallus andranogidroensis Hett. & Mangelsdorff (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus angolensis (Welw. ex. Schott) N.E. Br. (Gabon, Angola, Zaire)

Amorphophallus angustispathus Hett. (Myanmar)

Amorphophallus ankarana Hett. (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus antsingyensis Bogner, Hett. & Ittenb. (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus aphyllus (Hook.) Hutch. (Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, ? Gambia)

Amorphophallus arcuspadix A. Galloway, A. Ongsakul, & P. Schmidt (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus asper Engl. (Sumatra)

Amorphophallus asterostigmatus Bogn. & Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus atrorubens Hett. & M. Sizemore (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus atroviridis Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus bangkokensis Gagn. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus barbatus A. Galloway & A. Ongsakul (Laos)

Amorphophallus beccarii Engl. (Indonesia [Sumatra])

Amorphophallus bolikhamxayensis A. Galloway, A. Ongsakul, & P. Schmidt (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus borneensis (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm. (Indonesia [S. Kalimantan])

Amorphophallus boyceanus Hett. (S. Peninsular Thailand)

Amorphophallus brachyphyllus Hett. (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus brevipetiolatus A. Galloway, A. Ongsakul, & P. Schmidt (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus brevispathus Gagn. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus bubenensis J. T. Yin & Hett. (China [Yunnan], N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus bufo Ridl. (West Malaysia)

Amorphophallus bulbifer (Roxb.) Bl. (India)

Amorphophallus carneus Ridl. (West Malaysia, S. Peninsular Thailand)

Amorphophallus cicatricifer Hett. (W. Thailand)

Amorphophallus cirrifer Stapf (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus claudelii A. Galloway & A. Ongsakul (Laos)

Amorphophallus coaetaneus Liu & Wei (S. China, N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus commutatus (Schott) Engl. (S. India)

Amorphophallus consimilis Bl. (Senegal, Gambia)

Amorphophallus corrugatus N.E. Br. (N. Thailand, Myanmar)

Amorphophallus coudercii (Bogn.) Bogn. (C. Vietnam, Cambodia)

Amorphophallus crinitus A. Galloway, Luu, Malk.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus crispifolius A. Galloway, A. Ongsakul, & P. Schmidt (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus croatii Hett. & A. Galloway (Laos)

Amorphophallus cruddasianus Prain ex Engl. (N. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos)

Amorphophallus curvistylis Hett. (W. Thailand)

Amorphophallus dactylifer Hett. (Philippines)

Amorphophallus declinatus Hett. (Philippines [Palawan])

Amorphophallus decus-silvae Backer & Alderw. (Indonesia [Java])

Amorphophallus discophorus Backer & Alderw. (Indonesia [Java])

Amorphophallus dracontioides (Engl.) N.E. Br. (Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Central African Rep.)

Amorphophallus dunnii Tutch. (SE China)

Amorphophallus dzui Hett. (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus eburneus Bogn. (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus eichleri (Engl.) Hook. f. (Zaire, ?Angola)

Amorphophallus elatus Ridl. (East Malaysia, Peninsular Thailand)

Amorphophallus elegans Ridl. (East Malaysia, S. Peninsular Thailand)

Amorphophallus erythrorrhachis Hett., O. Pronk & R. Kaufmann (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus exentricus Hett. (Peninsular Thailand)

Amorphophallus ferruginosus A. Galloway (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus fornicatus Hett. J.R.C. Callado & Wistuba (Philippines)

Amorphophallus fuscus Hett. (N. Thailand)

Amorphophallus galbra F.M. Bail. (N. Australia [Queensland], Papua New Guinea)

Amorphophallus gallaensis (Engl.) N.E. Br. (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya)

Amorphophallus gallowayi Hett. (Laos)

Amorphophallus gigas Teijsm. & Binnend. (Indonesia [Sumatra])

Amorphophallus glaucophyllus Hett. & Serebr. (Thailand)

Amorphophallus glossophyllus Hett. (C. and N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus gomboczianus Pic. Serm. (Ethiopia)

Amorphophallus haematospadix Hook. f. (East Malaysia, Peninsular Thailand, ?N. Sumatra)

Amorphophallus harmandii Engl. & Gehrm. (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam)

Amorphophallus henryi N.E. Br. (Taiwan)

Amorphophallus hewittii Alderw. (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm. (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus hirsutus Teijsm. and Binn. & Binnend. (Indonesia [Sumatra], India [Nicobar Islands])

Amorphophallus hirtus N.E. Br. (Taiwan)

Amorphophallus hohenackeri (Schott) Engl. & Gehrm. (SW. India)

Amorphophallus hottae Bogn. & Hett. (East Malaysia [Sabah])

Amorphophallus impressus Ittenb. (Tanzania, Malawi)

Amorphophallus infundibuliformis Hett., Dearden & A. Vogel (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus interruptus Engl. & Gehrm. (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus johnsonii N.E. Br. (Ivory Coast, Burkina Fasso, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali)

Amorphophallus josefbogneri Hett. (Thailand)

Amorphophallus julaihii Ipor, Tawan & P.C. Boyce (Sarawak)

Amorphophallus juliae P.C. Boyce & Hett. (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus kachinensis Engl. & Gehrm. (N. Thailand, Laos, China [Yunnan])

Amorphophallus khammouanensis A. Galloway (Laos)

Amorphophallus kienluongensis V.D. Nguyen, H.T. Luu, Q.D. Nguyen, Hett. (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus kiusianus (makino) Makino (S. Japan, E. China, Taiwan)

Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch (S. China, Vietnam, ?Sabah)

Amorphophallus konkanensis Hett., Yadav & Patil (SW. India)

Amorphophallus koratensis Gagn. (C. and E. Thailand, Laos) / Amorphophallus scaber Serebr. & Hett. (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus krausei Engl. (China [Yunnan], Laos, Myanmar, N. & W. Thailand, N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus lacourii Linden & Andre

Amorphophallus lambii Mayo & Widj. (East Malaysia [Sabah], Indonesia [Kalimantan])

Amorphophallus lanuginosus Hett. (C. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus laoticus Hett. (Laos)

Amorphophallus latifolius (Serebryanyi) Hett. & C. Claudel

Amorphophallus lewallei Malaisse & Bamps (Burundi)

Amorphophallus linearis Gagn. (C. & W. Thailand)

Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogn. (C. India)

Amorphophallus longituberosus (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm. (Northern West Malaysia, Thailand)

Amorphophallus lunatus Hett. & M. Sizemore (Thailand)

Amorphophallus macrophyllus (Gagn. ex Serebryanyi) Hett. & C. Claudel

Amorphophallus macrorhizus Craib (N. Thailand)

Amorphophallus malkmus-husseinii A. Galloway, Prehsler & Claudel (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus mangelsdorfii Bogn. (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus manta Hett. & Ittenb. (Indonesia [Sumatra])

Amorphophallus margaritifer (Roxb.) Kunth (NE India, Nepal)

Amorphophallus maximus (Engl.) N.E. Br. (Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Somalia)

Amorphophallus maxwellii Hett. (W. Thailand)

Amorphophallus mossambicensis (Schott ex Garcke) N.E. Br. (Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia)

Amorphophallus muelleri Bl. (W. Thailand, India [Andaman Islands], Indonesia [Sumatra, Java, Timor, Sulawesi])

Amorphophallus myosuroides Hett. & A. Galloway (Laos)

Amorphophallus napalensis (Wall.) Bogn. & Mayo (N. India, Nepal, Bhutan)

Amorphophallus napiger Gagn. (Cambodia, Laos, C. Thailand, Vietnam)

Amorphophallus natolii Hett., A.Wistuba, V.B.Amoroso, M. Medecilo & C.Claudel (Philippines [Palawan])

Amorphophallus niahensis P.C. Boyce & Hett. (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus obscurus Hett. & M. Sizemore (Laos, E. Thailand)

Amorphophallus ochroleucus Hett. & V.D. Nguyen (Vietnam)

Amorphophallus ongsakulii Hett. & A. Galloway (Laos)

Amorphophallus operculatus Hett. & Sizemore (Thailand)

Amorphophallus opertus Hett. (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicols. (Madagascar to Polynesia)

Amorphophallus palawanensis Bogn. & Hett. (Philippines [Palawan])

Amorphophallus pendulus Bogn. & Mayo (East Malaysia [Sarawak), Indonesia [NW Kalimantan])

Amorphophallus perrieri Hett. & Wahlert (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus pilosus Hett. (S. Laos, C. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus polyanthus Hett. & M. Sizemore (Thailand)

Amorphophallus prainii Hook. f. (Thailand, West Malaysia, Indonesia [Sumatra, ? E. Kalimantan])

Amorphophallus prolificus Hett. & A. Galloway (Thailand)

Amorphophallus pseudoharmandii Hett. & C. Claudel (Cambodia)

Amorphophallus pulchellus Hett. & Schuit. (C. Laos)

Amorphophallus putii Gagn. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus pygmaeus Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus ranchanensis Ipor, Tawan, Simon, Meekiong & Fuad (East Malaysia [Sarawak])

Amorphophallus ravenii V.D. Nguyen, T.V. Tien, S. Bouamanivong & Hett. (N. Laos)

Amorphophallus rayongii Hett. & Medecilo (Philippines)

Amorphophallus reflexus Hett. & A. Galloway (Thailand)

Amorphophallus rhizomatosus Hett. (N. Vietnam, Laos)

Amorphophallus richardsiae Ittenb. (Zambia)

Amorphophallus rostratus Hett. (Philippines)

Amorphophallus sagittarius Steen. (Indonesia [Java])

Amorphophallus salmoneus Hett. (Philippines [Palawan])

Amorphophallus saraburiensis Gagn. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus saururus Hett. (NE. Thailand)

Amorphophallus schmidtiae Hett. & A. Galloway (Laos)

Amorphophallus scutatus Hett. & T.C. Chapman (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus serrulatus Hett. & A. Galloway (Thailand)

Amorphophallus sinuatus Hett. & V.D. Nguyen (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus sizemoreae Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus smithsonianus Sivad. (SW. India)

Amorphophallus spectabilis (Miq.) Engl. (nom. cons. prop.; Indonesia [Java])

Amorphophallus stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm. (Tanzania, Kenya)

Amorphophallus sumawongii (Bogn.) Bogn. (SE. Thailand)

Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb.) Kunth (S. India, Sri Lanka)

Amorphophallus symonianus Hett. & M. Sizemore, (Thailand)

Amorphophallus synandrifer Hett. & V.D. Nguyen (Vietnam)

Amorphophallus taurostigma Ittenb. & Hett. (Madagascar)

Amorphophallus tenuispadix Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus tenuistylis Hett. (C. Thailand)

Amorphophallus terrestris Hett. & C. Claudel (Laos, Thailand)

Amorphophallus thaiensis S.Y. Hu (N. Thailand)

Amorphophallus tinekeae Hett. & A. Vogel (East Malaysia [Sabah])

Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang. (Indonesia [Sumatra])

Amorphophallus tonkinensis Engl. & Gehrm. (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus tuberculatus Hett. & V.D. Nguyen (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus umbrinus A. Galloway, Luu, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus urceolatus Hett., A. Galloway & Medecilo (Philippines)

Amorphophallus variabilis Bl. (Indonesia [Java])

Amorphophallus verticillatus Hett. (N. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus villosus A. Galloway, Luu, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel (S. Vietnam)

Amorphophallus vogelianus Hett. & H. Billensteiner (N. Thailand)

Amorphophallus xiei Li & Dao (China [Yunnan])

Amorphophallus yaoii A. Galloway, Hett. & Medecilo (Philippines)

Amorphophallus yuloensis H. Li (China [Yunnan], Laos, Vietnam)

Amorphophallus yunnanensis Engl. (N. Thailand, Laos, N. Vietnam, China [Yunnan])

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